Sunday: Left the house at 4:30 am, unseasonably warm 62 degrees. Time check from the BBC World Service. Up the parking ramp, past the 9/11 Memorial. Checking in with Delta. Fly to Atlanta, big plane. Connecting to Austin, little plane. Welcome to Texas! Driving on Congress Street, Traffic by Ben Cyllus on radio. Lunch at Whole Foods world headquarters. Drop bags at hotel and go get hair cut at Birds. Dinner at Freebirds and caught Obama on 60 Minutes.
Monday: Breakfast at Austin Java, then over to the office. View from the 22nd floor balcony.
Tuesday: Jet to JFK. VH1 classic. Arrive in the new T5. Cab it to the W.
Wednesday: Cross street to the Waldorf=Astoria and up to PR Week panel. Taxi to Marine Air Terminal and Delta Shuttle – exit, aft. Back to car, sit in rush hour, and return home again, 7:00 pm and 30 degrees.
A ninety second business trip
Carlos Whittaker is one of the earliest people on my social graph. I was inspired by a video on his blog last week called My Day In 90 Seconds.
Earlier this week, I applied the concept to a business trip. Video embedded below.
[Click here if you can't see the video.]
Here's what's happening:
I learned how to use iMovie on the ATL-AUS flight and pieced this together in about 30 minutes. Filmed all of the segments using a loaned Nokia N95. You can see the first day standalone in 90 seconds, too.
If you get similarly inspired, let me know!