Thanks for allowing me to share thoughts with you this past year.
I was quite fortunate to be invited by many clients, organizations, and associations to meet in person and discuss marketing and strategy. I’m not a great photographer; however, I threw together a small scrapbook of stuff I saw this year that you might like.
Looking back, one of my favorite things about 2007: meeting so many social media people in person, some for the first time, others just in a long time: David Armano. Jonny Bentwood. Rohit Bhargava. Pete Blackshaw. Toby Bloomberg. Chris Brogan. Blake Cahill. CC Chapman. David Churbuck. Henry Copeland. Michael Donnelly. John Eckman. Richard Edelman. Maxine Friedman. Josh Hallett. Ann Handley. Joseph Jaffe. Jeff Jarvis. Max Kalehoff. Karl Long. Owen Mack and Jesse Buckley. Amanda Mooney. Rick Murray. Jeremiah Owyang (now a colleague). Jeremy Pepper. Marianne Richmond. Julia Roy. Steve Rubel. Deb Schultz. Dan Schwabel. Aki Spicer. Mike Spataro. Ilya Vedrashko. Greg Verdino. (Sincere apologies if I missed you in the shout outs here.)
Looking forward, 2008 may fly by even faster than this year, hard to believe. I’m shifting my research coverage at Forrester to focus on mobile marketing, blogging, and building interactive skills/z. More on that in the weeks to come.
Thanks again for the conversation. I’m happy to share with you in Flickr, Twitter, Dopplr, and Facebook as well.