Last week, I wrote about my company's thinking about social media, technology and why it's time to transform. Here's another comment worth elevating and reblogging to continue the discussion.
"Transformation and revolution are two really different ideas, and the deeper the change you want to drive the more you better be prepared to persevere. Hard, important work gets done incrementally, iteratively and for now, experimentally. Which requires a healthy dose of failure, and often a lot of introspection. This post reads like a mashup of Bruce Nussbaum’s call for transformation and Tim O’Reilly’s Work on Stuff That Matters, but unfortunately tainted with a tone of disdain. There’s a good idea in this post, but it’s lost in the pointless attempt to kill what’s gone before."
- Web as platform;
- Harnessing collective intelligence;
- Data is the next Intel Inside;
- End of the software release cycle; and
- Lightweight programming models.
Have we really made good on these ideas? You tell me, but I dont think so. We've only scratched the surface on using the web as platform.
For example, Google may have killed off some applications this week, but they've positioned their enterprise apps for success. I'm guessing that most readers of this blog may have heard the first story, but missed the news on the second. Most marketing-types are more interested in putting finished goods to work, rather than focusing upstream in the value chain.
Earlier, I wrote "the term Web 2.0 connotes incremental change and evolution, not revolution." To be more precise in my thinking, it'll clarify: the term Web 2.0 has been co-opted for nearsighted purposes that fail to realize the potential of the original concept's vision. In my experience, I've seen a lot of marketing applications that are merely incremental improvement over existing campaign tactics. That's why it's time to transform.