Today is my last day at Forrester Research. On Monday, I’ll officially be joining Jeffrey Dachis to build a new company focused on enterprise social computing. You may have heard about this venture a few months ago. Why am I leaving? Because I believe this new company offers both professional and personal growth opportunities. I’ve …
Category Archives: Strategy
An Agency’s First Step To Getting “Connected”
When queuing up this entry, I noticed that there’s no category for "agency" related posts. That’s OK because Mary Beth Kemp, my colleague and co-author of The Connected Agency report, has taken the lead on a new Forrester blog called Agency Futures. So I’m cross-posting this, there. A lot needs to happen before agencies get …
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Pew: Future Of The Internet II
Hey – did you catch this report from Pew? It’s called The Future Of The Internet II and was released in late September, but was just recently brought to my attention. The research inquired as to "how technology might evolve" and "the impact of this evolution." Here are some of the thoughts I shared that …
What’s the state of the interactive marketing organization?
I’ve got some thoughts. But my colleague Shar VanBoskirk is currently fielding a survey of interactive marketers and will write a piece of research in Q4 on this topic. To contribute your experience and receive a copy of the completed research findings (whether a Forrester client or not), follow this link:
Reinventing the Marketing Organization
Late last week, I published my biggest piece of research yet at Forrester, called “Reinventing The Marketing Organization.” Here’s the executive summary: Today’s marketing organizations are broken. Three out of four marketing departments have reorganized in the past two years. Almost 80% of marketers don’t influence a critical customer interaction like customer service, and 85% …