Looking back at my first briefing with Mark Zuckerberg in 2006 and my key takeaway from Facebook’s success.
Category Archives: Social computing
Social Media Mythbusters
Last week I was at Web 2.0 Expo in New York. You can read a summary of the presentation at Portfolio.com and see the slides below. Social Media Mythbusters View more presentations from Dachis Group Tweet
A Wiki of Social Media Marketing Examples
Over the weekend, I created a framework to port A List of Social Media Marketing Examples into a wiki. I also invited the 166 people who've left comments on that post to become the initial collaborators in the new effort. (At least I tried to…Google Sites seems to have had a delivery problem. If you …
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Social Media Marketing’s New Clothes
Lewis writes, “Don’t Say ROI Unless You Mean It.” Agreed. I see a lot of bloggers wading into unfamiliar territory, starting to spew opinions on measuring return on investment (ROI). It’s easy for anyone with an understanding of business finance to see the shallowness of these analyses. But don’t be surprised – has not knowing …
Slicing and Dicing A List of Social Media Marketing Examples
Since starting a list of social media marketing examples, I’ve seen some great work to frame content for specific uses: By technology/media type I posted a framework on Mashable called The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan Ray Schiel has listed almost all the examples by category By country Australia: former colleague Steven Noble has …
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234 Social Media Marketing Examples
234 examples, visualized. Created using http://wordle.net/ A month ago, I published a list of social media marketing examples. At the time, the list started with 131 brands that were involved in social media to some extent. (Sometimes not by their own choice.) A month later, the list has added over 100 new brands due to …
Social media marketing’s scalability problem
I’d like your thoughts on what I see as one of the biggest problems I see for using social media in marketing: scalability. In theory, using social media for marketing should scale elegantly. Most advisors and evangelists tell a story that plays out something like this: once a marketer gets up enough courage to push …
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Companies CAN’T “join the conversation”
My colleague Jeremiah recently posted about why some don’t need to join the conversation. He makes two key points: Brands can and should use a combination of social computing tools can help brands engage individuals – e.g. voting, tagging, and sharing – which are not "conversational." All people do not want to participate with you …
I want to believe [that Twitter is useful]
Why Twitter is Over Capacity Originally uploaded by Jeremiah Owyang. Twitter – do you love it or hate it? I think your response to that question depends on why and how you use the application. This drives the type of content you’ll find valuable, the number of people you follow, and how you …
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Webcast with Visible Technologies and Microsoft
On Thursday May 22nd I’ll be participating in a webcast with Blake Cahill from Visible Technologies and Marty Collins from Microsoft. We’ll be talking about "Unlocking Social Media’s ROI through Engagement & Participation." Registration is free and we’ll begin at 10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern. If you are on the fence about brand monitoring or …
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