Happy 1st birthday to Being Peter Kim

Today’s the 1st birthday of this blog!

Whether you’re subscribed to the feed or visit the site, I appreciate being able to share thoughts with you on marketing, advertising and well, being Peter Kim.  I appreciate the comments and exchange of insights even more.

One of the things that’s really crystallized for me over the past year – why I blog.  Most of the stuff I post about is related to my research; the conversation here helps me crystallize thoughts.  Or sometimes it’s just to air out the maven in me.  It’s a way to think out loud – procrastinating, working, venting – sometimes a way to talk to myself in a socially acceptable manner.

Moreover, my blogging has led me to get involved more extensively in social computing.  I’m a photography hack but have shared more pictures from trips and on Flickr.  I’ve started uploading videos on YouTube.  Still trying to decide if I prefer to read my feeds in Thunderbird, Bloglines, or Google Reader.  I flew around on Second Life for a while but wasn’t really feeling it – my first life is a bit too demanding.  Similarly, my activity on social networks has declined – sorry to report that I’m a bit of a dull node.  I’ve also been tagging on del.icio.us and have become a novice Typepad hack (let me know if you have questions).

(I thought about sharing year-in-review stats and upcoming-year goals here but I’m not sure anyone would care.)

What’s funny is that I wrote this post on Thursday while sitting in Dulles, waiting for a flight.  I set the post to publish on Sunday (i.e. the one year mark) and on Friday I stumble across a chain of "why I blog" posts from David Armano, Sean Howard, and Kate Trgovac.  I sense a meme rising – or at least a derivative of some ad campaign’s tagline.

Looking forward to sharing Year 2 with you!  Thanks for reading. 

Being: Peter Kim