For more Humana pictures click here While in Louisville, I was invited to sit in on a meeting of Humana's Chamber of Commerce. It's a group of 18 individuals across the company who have interest and expertise in social media, meeting regularly to discuss how to make the company more social. Before the meeting, Chris …
Category Archives: Social Business
Guest Post on ZDNet’s Social Business blog
Hi – things have been busy and it's been a while since I've posted, mostly due to internal strategy I'm working on. However, today Jennifer Leggio was kind enough to let me guest post on her Social Business blog. I've written a short piece over there about culture, measurement, and managed expectations regarding social business. Also worth reading, …
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Platforms or point solutions?
Community Platforms. Listening Platforms. Blogging Platforms. Microsharing Platforms. Commenting Platforms. Collaboration Platforms. E-Commerce Platforms. Lifestreaming Platforms. Etc. Just what is a platform, anyway? We can cobble these things together to create a Rube Goldberg social machine. Imagine this: I tweet a message about a product I like. Which updates my Facebook status. That ties into FriendFeed. …
Why Web 2.0 still matters
Last week, I wrote about my company's thinking about social media, technology and why it's time to transform. Here's another comment worth elevating and reblogging to continue the discussion. Jennifer Pahlka says, "Transformation and revolution are two really different ideas, and the deeper the change you want to drive the more you better be prepared to …
Social business is business
Last week, I wrote about my company's thinking about social media, technology and why it's time to transform. People responded in the comments, on Twitter, and on your own blogs. Some people supported the idea, some people were dismissive, others were confused. In any case, many points raised are worth elevating and being reblogged to …
It’s Time To Transform
Let’s get serious about social business. The reverb in the echo chamber has become deafening. Have you noticed the lack of original content being published lately? I have. There’s a term to describe what’s going on and Steve Rubel called it a year ago: The Lazysphere. “Rather than create new ideas or pen thoughtful essays, [some …