SXSW ’09 Panel Recap

I participated in a panel at SXSW yesterday called "My Boss Doesn't Get It: Championing Social Media to the Man."  Michael Wilson, CEO of Small World Labs, moderated; my fellow panelists were Miles Sims (also Small World Labs), Rebecca Caroe (Creative Agency Secrets), and Christian Caldwell (American Heart Association). It's difficult to take great notes …

Recap on P&G Digital Night

That was fun. Last night, P&G brought a group of internal staffers and external partners together for a friendly charity-based event.  I didn't have any details about what we'd be doing before arriving in Cincinnati, but was looking forward to reconnecting with former colleagues, social media connections, and others who I've heard of but never …

SXSW ’09: Updates

We're just over a week away from the start of South by Southwest 2009. Here's some additional stuff I've come across that you might find useful: Our firm is hosting an event on Monday, March 16th with Austin Ventures.  See this page for details. Many people will be flying in at the same time, going …

Platforms or point solutions?

Community Platforms. Listening Platforms. Blogging Platforms. Microsharing Platforms. Commenting Platforms. Collaboration Platforms. E-Commerce Platforms. Lifestreaming Platforms. Etc. Just what is a platform, anyway? We can cobble these things together to create a Rube Goldberg social machine.  Imagine this: I tweet a message about a product I like.  Which updates my Facebook status.  That ties into FriendFeed. …

Why Web 2.0 still matters

Last week, I wrote about my company's thinking about social media, technology and why it's time to transform.  Here's another comment worth elevating and reblogging to continue the discussion. Jennifer Pahlka says, "Transformation and revolution are two really different ideas, and the deeper the change you want to drive the more you better be prepared to …

Social business is business

Last week, I wrote about my company's thinking about social media, technology and why it's time to transform.  People responded in the comments, on Twitter, and on your own blogs.  Some people supported the idea, some people were dismissive, others were confused.  In any case, many points raised are worth elevating and being reblogged to …

It’s Time To Transform

Let’s get serious about social business. The reverb in the echo chamber has become deafening. Have you noticed the lack of original content being published lately?  I have.  There’s a term to describe what’s going on and Steve Rubel called it a year ago: The Lazysphere. “Rather than create new ideas or pen thoughtful essays, [some …

A Wiki of Social Media Marketing Examples

Over the weekend, I created a framework to port A List of Social Media Marketing Examples into a wiki.  I also invited the 166 people who've left comments on that post to become the initial collaborators in the new effort. (At least I tried to…Google Sites seems to have had a delivery problem. If you …

Social Media Marketing’s New Clothes

Lewis writes, “Don’t Say ROI Unless You Mean It.”  Agreed.  I see a lot of bloggers wading into unfamiliar territory, starting to spew opinions on measuring return on investment (ROI).  It’s easy for anyone with an understanding of business finance to see the shallowness of these analyses.  But don’t be surprised – has not knowing …

Being: Peter Kim